
Application: Predictive Maintenance  

  • You want to implement a condition-based maintenance concept in-house or with your customers?
  • For this sake, you want to initiate different processes in different places automatically in a predefined incident?
  • You want to make sure that the corresponding messages are transmitted reliably and securely?

Then please read:

With EZRack, we have developed a system that allows you to enter quickly and reliably into condition-based maintenance. This means you can now, for example, issue status messages of your system and use them wherever this information is needed.

To do this, the decisive data from your production is transferred to the EZRack, which acts as an edge gateway and forwards the relevant information to the respective target groups (for example: customers or service employees) to the appropriate instances. You can now provide specific information about the system status, the necessary replacement of particular components or recommended service assignments. In addition, this information can also be used in other places, for example, to initiate all necessary processes for ordering a replacement part.

The operating principle is based on the triangle

  1. Publisher (= news publisher - in this case the EZRack)
  2. MQTT Broker (= news submitter - provider of corresponding services) and
  3. Subscriber (= message recipient - ie customers, suppliers, employees, but also machines or other systems).

As a publisher, the EZRack generates one or more messages for the different target groups in the event of a fault, a critical condition, etc. This information is then stored at an MQTT broker, which is subsequently taken from previously registered subscribers.

All this happens encrypted and, if desired, also via corresponding SSL certificates, which identify the individual subscribers. This will give all affected entities the information they need, in the form they are used to, and at the level of security that appears appropriate for their data. Adjustable service levels (QoS) allow to precisely specify the delivery of a message to each individual subscriber. The type or form of the individual message is freely selectable and may consist of simple texts as well as of extensive, machine-readable data.

With the EZRack Edge Gateway you can now easily and reliably realize these and other IIoT applications in your company at a particularly attractive price: the system doesn't cost more than an average compact plc and the necessary software is even available for free. And if that's not enough, a 4-year warranty is also included!


But the EZRack can do more and is at the same price so incidentally a full-fledged, modular programmable logic controller! The software for programming, which also contains a configurator and a simulation tool, is available for free.

Here you can find out more about the other possibilities of the EZRack system!
