Ignition - The new SCADA  

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Connect, Design, Deploy Without Limits!
In short words: Ignition is a very powerful system from Inductive Automation® with practically boundless possibilities: For the low cost of one server license you can seamlessly connect all your data, design any kind of industrial application with ease, and instantly web-deploy unlimited industrial and mobile clients to anyone, anywhere — all from one universal platform for industrial automation. Combining IT and Process Technology, Ignition is the open platform for SCADA, IIoT, MES, and more!

Technical-wise, Ignition is totally cross-platform and built upon trusted open technologies like SQL, Python, OPC UA, and MQTT. Its server-centric web-deployment model is flexible and scalable enough for architectures of any type or size. Plus it runs on everything: It installs in minutes onto servers, laptops, embedded devices — not to forget Panel-PCs!


Stainless Panel PC  

One Central Hub for Everything on the Plant Floor

Ignition is server software that acts as the hub for everything on your plant floor for total system integration. No matter what brand, model, or platform, it talks to your plant-floor equipment just as naturally as it talks to SQL databases, seamlessly bridging the gap between production and IT.

Stainless Panel PC  

Create Any Kind of Industrial Application for Any Industry

Ignition comes with everything you need to create any kind of industrial application for desktops, industrial displays and mobile screens. The included Ignition Designer combines a rich component library, easy data-binding, as well as powerful tools for drawing and scripting, into one fully-integrated development environment.

Stainless Panel PC  

Web-Deploy Clients to Any Desktop, Industrial Display, or Mobile Device

Ignition gets your vital real-time data to anyone, anywhere, on any device with a web browser. With Ignition’s server-centric web-deployment model, you can instantly launch an unlimited number of web clients from an on-premise or cloud-based server.

You are wondering why you've never heard of this system? In fact, more than 2,000 system integrators worldwide are realizing projects with Ignition, and the customer list includes such renowned companies like Shell, Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola, Unilever, BASF, Bayer and many others.

You think it's time to learn more about how Ignition works and what opportunities it offers? Then click here to visit the website of Inductive Automation®, the developer and licensor of Ignition!

Logo Inductive Automation

Since 1976, UTICOR Automation stands for robust, customized solutions in the field of Control, Operation and Monitoring. We offer Panel PCs, Monitors and Virtual Clients as a built-in solution or in a separate housing. In addition, we stock a wide range of PLC systems, Box PCs, HMIs, large displays and other automation technology.


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> Fon: +49 (0) 21 54 - 89-1964-0

> Mail: Info@UTICOR.de


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